11 October 2005
just uploaded a new poster. so new, in fact, that i made it today. the powers that be are upset that i broke up the last line, but i'm getting used to that kind of thing from them. what's funny, actually, is how much they're used to that kind of shit from me (i think my boss literally referred to it as "that kind of shit"). it's a funny give-and-take (it was "weirder" before) dance that we do everytime i'm assigned something, which i hear is pretty much how things are when you're really working. which, i should mention, makes me feel fairly good; i've developed a pretty good sense of how to deal with bosses (clients), that is when to listen and when to absolutely insist that those brackets really fucking mean something and are really fucking necessary. when to compliment and when to make the "you've got to be shitting me" face. maybe this job isn't so bad after all.