13 February 2006

work-wise i'm currently pretty busy, too much so maybe for the first time since i started. right now my time is being divided between updating the Fusion brochure, creating a first year student poetry book, and catching a ton of little work that has fallen through our collective crack. that's terrible. there are a couple new posters up.

besides work there's school; i only have one real class i really care about, New Media / Web Design, but it's proving to be quite a bit of work. i haven't updated this much because our first assignment is / was to keep a running blog for the semester, so most of my online babbling has been directed there. in a way it's sort of an online process journal, which i think is much better and more functional than whatever this site is. i don't feel good about linking to it because it's a wiki and in general i am not a trusting person.

so: work is hard and it doesn't help that i've been sick a lot. i'm pretty ready for winter to end and front porch pornography to re-begin.

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