24 March 2006

well, it might be time to close the book here. everything has moved to http://people.emich.edu/lwalters2/ for now, and i'll probably only post new links there. i don't really need a "blog," as things that happen in my life don't really need to be broadcast in any way. wait, no one read this anyway.

done for now!!

02 March 2006

new stuff is up...the harry potter one was so hillarious to make, i could barely get through it. i literally had to take breaks and look away from the screen, i just couldn't stand it. i was amazed it got approved. no one else is really here at work this week because it's supposed to be break, so i'm trying to pick up the slack. i finished the Fast Track brochure, the freshmen poetry book, and today did those two posters. tomorrow there's more. plus i really have to work on my Karl Pilkington site. things are hot and heavy these days.

13 February 2006

work-wise i'm currently pretty busy, too much so maybe for the first time since i started. right now my time is being divided between updating the Fusion brochure, creating a first year student poetry book, and catching a ton of little work that has fallen through our collective crack. that's terrible. there are a couple new posters up.

besides work there's school; i only have one real class i really care about, New Media / Web Design, but it's proving to be quite a bit of work. i haven't updated this much because our first assignment is / was to keep a running blog for the semester, so most of my online babbling has been directed there. in a way it's sort of an online process journal, which i think is much better and more functional than whatever this site is. i don't feel good about linking to it because it's a wiki and in general i am not a trusting person.

so: work is hard and it doesn't help that i've been sick a lot. i'm pretty ready for winter to end and front porch pornography to re-begin.

23 January 2006

web design class is good, any time i was spending on this i'm now spending here: the for-school site

CSS is (are?) fun. i feel less crazy about web design now. i've still been making print for campus life, new today is a poster for the wacky hip hop dance stylings of DECADANCE. my boss is pretty in love with it, i think we're printing it "for real" which is both fun and scary. i guess if it looks shitty i'll print myself a good copy.

i've also been trying to draw more. here's a picture i drew of my computer at home. also i've been drawing some type and whatnot too, those will up soon.

i'm going to see Stephen Farrell tonight. i don't know much about him but as president of the AIGA: Ypsi i have to set an example (SIKE! i would totally go anyway).

10 January 2006

i'm in my web design/new media class. we're going nuts with wiki, which i guess in most ways is pretty promising.

20 December 2005

new poster...study all NIGHT! it's NIGHT-ISH!

i'm going to be pretty happy and somewhat relieved when i'm finally done with school in april. i had my last-ever print design class yesterday, which is sort of sad but i think i'm ready to be done. five years is a long time for anything, especially something that you hate about 90% of. working for campus life has been good, really ideal for where i'm at right now i think, but i'm getting more and more eager to try the real thing. where you end up in life is probably mostly luck, but i think it helps to have your chin up, eyes to the sky, etc. really weird: "move on" by the rentals just came on party shuffle.

i finally had a good week in fantasy football. thank god for larry johnson, jake "the snake" plummer. and the chicago bears defense. maybe i won't finish in the basement after all.

so far this is the weirdest december ever. i'm 23 now and i'm pretty sure my parents haven't gotten me anything for christmas. then again, i haven't gotten them anything yet either, so i guess i can't really complain. stacey and i already exchanged presents and i think we both did a really good job of coming up with great gifts and spending almost no money. that's key.

i think really soon i'm either going to go for the music thing full-steam or give up completely. it's looking about 40/60 right now.

this is starting to remind me of diaryland, what a fucked up thing that was. i should download all those old entries before they go out of business.

15 December 2005

this was rejected today, which is on one hand not entirely surprising but still really shitty. not "adult-friendly" enough, blah blah. the changes i have to make will actually make it much worse, so i thought i'd post it now. the misprinted type stuff has really gone a long way in my design lately, i should be careful. my final project for image making 2 is way way different, all information design done up modernist/dutch style. nothing but helvetica and transparent bars of color. i'll put up a pdf when it's done, it's quite a bit different than the usual. now i'm off to take the final in my last-ever art history class. thank god.

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